Often in the stillness,
we pause to her His voice,
and in sharing that sweet moment
we find reasons to rejoice!
I know I have been on the in-active list for a spell but I am still here. I couldn't let Christmas go by without saying Merry Christmas to those of you who read my blog. I wish for all of us who have been thrown into the Multiple Myeloma world - - Peace and Love.
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Saturday, December 24, 2011
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
The Arbitration has gone in favor of the insurance company.
While Mr. Thomason states he believes there to be more benefit than risk he could not find the insurance company negligent in the wording of the policy that clearly states there will be no tandem SCT for those considered "high risk".
It has been brought to our attention that while the insurance won't cover the actual transplant, the plan would cover some of the procedures pre and post transplant. We have started an investigation into just what that would mean and the total out of pocket it would take to move forward with transplant. This will take all week. In the meantime the biggest or first question that needs to be answered is: given that Glen had the 1st transplant 6 months ago, is there still time to continue our efforts in order for the 2nd transplant to be effective?
I've had my day of tears. I know without doubt who is in charge. I feel I'm being guided and told it is still not time to give up. Maybe there is still yet another hurdle we have to get over before we reach the end of this particular quest.
I'm so very sadden in that a favorable decision could have meant something of significance for many others who find themselves in this same situation.
I am ever determined,
While Mr. Thomason states he believes there to be more benefit than risk he could not find the insurance company negligent in the wording of the policy that clearly states there will be no tandem SCT for those considered "high risk".
It has been brought to our attention that while the insurance won't cover the actual transplant, the plan would cover some of the procedures pre and post transplant. We have started an investigation into just what that would mean and the total out of pocket it would take to move forward with transplant. This will take all week. In the meantime the biggest or first question that needs to be answered is: given that Glen had the 1st transplant 6 months ago, is there still time to continue our efforts in order for the 2nd transplant to be effective?
I've had my day of tears. I know without doubt who is in charge. I feel I'm being guided and told it is still not time to give up. Maybe there is still yet another hurdle we have to get over before we reach the end of this particular quest.
I'm so very sadden in that a favorable decision could have meant something of significance for many others who find themselves in this same situation.
I am ever determined,
Friday, October 14, 2011
Well it is the end of business on a Friday. Not one word today from Mr. Thomason. Nothing. NOW, we have the whole weekend to wait and wonder. Glen does have to be in clinic first thing Monday morning for Day 1, Cycle 2; Velcade. A decision today may have brought a change to the schedule for Monday.
I am not patiently waiting,
I am not patiently waiting,
Thursday, October 13, 2011
My heart is so full tonight. I find peace and comfort in music.
The Calm Before the Storm???
All is quiet as to the arbitration. For days many e-mails have flown back and forth between interested parties. We have heard nothing, not one thing for two full days. Mr. Thomason, the Arbitrator stated on Tuesday evening that he was preparing his answer with week's end as a goal to rule.
"Trust in the Lord with all thine heart" . . .
Trying so very hard to keep strong,
"Trust in the Lord with all thine heart" . . .
Trying so very hard to keep strong,
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Here are pictures of our newest grandson, Camden Wade. He was born at 10:28pm on 09/27/11. Weighed in at 5 lbs. The cord was wrapped around his neck and there was a tight knot in the cord that had restricted the amount of nutrition he was receiving. All of this of course was unknown until he was delivered by c-section. Mom and baby are doing fantastic. His older brother who is 11 years old weighed in at 8 lbs. 7 oz. Not expecting a new one that is so small, we have had to purchase new smaller clothing for this little guy. I'll let the pictures do the rest of the talking.
One of the first pictures taken in the nursery
First diaper
First bit of clothing
Meeting my Grandpa for the first time
Grandma's favorite picture. Sleeping baby!
I am a child of God and He has sent me here.
Has given me an earthly home with parents kind and dear.
Lead me, guide me, walk beside me. Help me find the way.
Teach me all that I must learn to live with Him some day.
Grandma Ross
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
We arrived at the Uintah Basin Medical Center (UBMC) at six o'clock this morning for the birth of our newest grandson. It has been an extremely long day now approaching nine pm. No baby yet.
I wanted to have at least this short entry on this date of September 27, 2011 for the history books as I believe we will have baby before midnight. I, however am signing off
and will continue this when there is more to tell.
A prayer in my heart,
Grandma Ross
I wanted to have at least this short entry on this date of September 27, 2011 for the history books as I believe we will have baby before midnight. I, however am signing off
and will continue this when there is more to tell.
A prayer in my heart,
Grandma Ross
Saturday, September 24, 2011
This past Thursday, September 22, 2011 was our session with the arbitrator whom I will call Mr. T., the HIPUtah Executive Director , an Assistant Attorney General for the State of Utah, Glen's doctor, Dr. Tricot, ourselves, Glen and Vannette and by speaker phone, a doctor who sat in on the board (I believe, trying to keep all my facts straight) on the last appeals level.
Our session lasted about three hours wherein much was discussed. We are to have an answer by the end of this coming week. The arbitrator has the right to reverse the denial, however, he will have to be able to justify his decision. The biggest obstacle to overcome is finding a loop hole contractually. If that makes sense. I will cover more when the decision comes in.

Dr. Tricot and Dr. Gxxxxx had an extreme difference of opinion about the care Glen should be receiving. They went head to head over the NCCN guidelines for treating MM. Dr. Tricot as well as the arbitrator are having a hard time understanding why and "Internist" has been given this privilege rather than a myeloma specialist. After Dr. Tricot had left the room and Dr. Gxxxxx had been dismissed by telephone the arbitrator made a comparison. Dr. Tricot being a HOWITZER and Dr. Gxxxxx being a BB GUN!!!!!
Glen and I had too much fun with this during our drive home.
Please continue to offer prayers in Glen's behalf. We are so grateful for all those who are supporting us. Thank you. We'll be letting you know the outcome of all of this.
Keep Strong,
Our session lasted about three hours wherein much was discussed. We are to have an answer by the end of this coming week. The arbitrator has the right to reverse the denial, however, he will have to be able to justify his decision. The biggest obstacle to overcome is finding a loop hole contractually. If that makes sense. I will cover more when the decision comes in.

Dr. Tricot and Dr. Gxxxxx had an extreme difference of opinion about the care Glen should be receiving. They went head to head over the NCCN guidelines for treating MM. Dr. Tricot as well as the arbitrator are having a hard time understanding why and "Internist" has been given this privilege rather than a myeloma specialist. After Dr. Tricot had left the room and Dr. Gxxxxx had been dismissed by telephone the arbitrator made a comparison. Dr. Tricot being a HOWITZER and Dr. Gxxxxx being a BB GUN!!!!!
Glen and I had too much fun with this during our drive home.
Please continue to offer prayers in Glen's behalf. We are so grateful for all those who are supporting us. Thank you. We'll be letting you know the outcome of all of this.
Keep Strong,
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Our daughter, Moneasha LaMae (Mo nee sha ) was born thirty-two years ago today.
She is the expectant mother. Moneasha thinks that her new son should have a birthday of his own so she is not hoping to have him this day. (no signs of that happening). She is beautiful both inside and out. She is compassionate and considerate of others. At the present she is in school training to be a medical assistant. We know that she will do well as she has the traits to serve the public well.
My mother's name is LaZon. My sister's name is Vickie Mae. I threw the La and the Mae together for Moneasha's middle name. LaMae! I'm finding that while I thought it was unique, its not. Her name has special meaning to us and that's what counts.
Happy Birthday Little Darlin', (that's what her grandmother called her). We love you so very much.
Dad and Mom
ps: I also created Moneasha's first name. Kind of a long story. Let me just say, NO, we are not from the South. She gets teased alot. Her mama is just a small town country girl from a little corner in Utah.
She is the expectant mother. Moneasha thinks that her new son should have a birthday of his own so she is not hoping to have him this day. (no signs of that happening). She is beautiful both inside and out. She is compassionate and considerate of others. At the present she is in school training to be a medical assistant. We know that she will do well as she has the traits to serve the public well.
My mother's name is LaZon. My sister's name is Vickie Mae. I threw the La and the Mae together for Moneasha's middle name. LaMae! I'm finding that while I thought it was unique, its not. Her name has special meaning to us and that's what counts.
Happy Birthday Little Darlin', (that's what her grandmother called her). We love you so very much.
Dad and Mom
ps: I also created Moneasha's first name. Kind of a long story. Let me just say, NO, we are not from the South. She gets teased alot. Her mama is just a small town country girl from a little corner in Utah.
Home again, home again, jiggity jig!
Yesterday, September 12, Glen's counts were recovered well enough for us to get to come home. Once again he exceeded the projected dates of recovery from the D-PACE making it possible to come home sooner than later. While he did experience a lot of nausea, he did not throw up, did not need any infusions or have any other side affects. He is, however, wiped out. He has very little strength and stamina. This is hard for him because he is a "doer". He has a hard time sitting still and not feeling like he is accomplishing anything.
Beginning next Monday the 19th he will begin cycles of VTD. Twice a week, every other week. So . . . that next Thursday, which is the 22nd, he will have treatment before heading to the conference room for arbitration. Should we be successful in our efforts fighting for the 2nd auto SCT we would move into that instead of the cycles. Otherwise, he will move forward with a maintenance schedule.
Arbitration is going to take place in a conference room at the University of Utah Hospital making it most convenient for Dr. Tricot to attend in Glen's behalf. We are going up against the Utah Attorney General's Office. Did I say "SCARY" and "SO NOT FAIR"!
The Utah Attorney General, Mr. Mark Shurtleff has most recently been having his own battle with cancer: http://desne.ws/pHdMf8 . Ironically, I graduated in the same high school class with Mr. Shurtleff who was either the class or student body president. That's too many years back for me; can't recall exactly.
Moving on . . . our grandson has not arrived, yet! I was able to make it to the baby shower last night. It was grand and very enjoyable. A nice distraction from labs and infusion rooms.
Have a grand day everyone,
Beginning next Monday the 19th he will begin cycles of VTD. Twice a week, every other week. So . . . that next Thursday, which is the 22nd, he will have treatment before heading to the conference room for arbitration. Should we be successful in our efforts fighting for the 2nd auto SCT we would move into that instead of the cycles. Otherwise, he will move forward with a maintenance schedule.
Arbitration is going to take place in a conference room at the University of Utah Hospital making it most convenient for Dr. Tricot to attend in Glen's behalf. We are going up against the Utah Attorney General's Office. Did I say "SCARY" and "SO NOT FAIR"!
The Utah Attorney General, Mr. Mark Shurtleff has most recently been having his own battle with cancer: http://desne.ws/pHdMf8 . Ironically, I graduated in the same high school class with Mr. Shurtleff who was either the class or student body president. That's too many years back for me; can't recall exactly.
Moving on . . . our grandson has not arrived, yet! I was able to make it to the baby shower last night. It was grand and very enjoyable. A nice distraction from labs and infusion rooms.
Have a grand day everyone,
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Today we were able to schedule arbitration with all involved for September 22, 2011. I welcome any advise.
Waiting to drop . . .
Four days of D-PACE and dex done. Yesterday in clinic Glen's counts were still all good. He is not scheduled to return to clinic until Friday the 9th. We have a couple of days to somewhat relax. In the meantime between now and Friday Glen's counts should drop before starting to climb back up again. No restaurants, no crowds. HE HATES BEING IN THE CITY AND AWAY FROM HOME. Dex begins again tomorrow. The neulasta shot Glen received yesterday did not affect him the way the first one did. Thank goodness. That first one was rough. This one has been tolerable.
On the flip side of this, our newest grandson, scheduled due date October 3rd, seems to be in a hurry to get here. He quite possibly will make his arrival in the next few days. WAIT! We haven't held a baby shower yet. With Glen's schedule (and everyone else's) we just weren't able to fit it in. We thought we could come out to Salt Lake for this round of D-PACE and make it home for the shower on Monday, then . . . . . have baby.
I know, there is no messing with the Will of the Lord! We will be happy to have "Camden Wade" arrive whenever this blissful event happens. His mommy's birthday is the 13th. I don't think he is going to wait that long.
In all I believe our stay here in the apartment has been pleasurable. Several couples got together for a bbq on Labor Day. May people with similar situations supporting each other. Sweet.
See you on the "up" side.
Oh, no word yet on arbitration.
Keep Strong,
On the flip side of this, our newest grandson, scheduled due date October 3rd, seems to be in a hurry to get here. He quite possibly will make his arrival in the next few days. WAIT! We haven't held a baby shower yet. With Glen's schedule (and everyone else's) we just weren't able to fit it in. We thought we could come out to Salt Lake for this round of D-PACE and make it home for the shower on Monday, then . . . . . have baby.
I know, there is no messing with the Will of the Lord! We will be happy to have "Camden Wade" arrive whenever this blissful event happens. His mommy's birthday is the 13th. I don't think he is going to wait that long.
In all I believe our stay here in the apartment has been pleasurable. Several couples got together for a bbq on Labor Day. May people with similar situations supporting each other. Sweet.
See you on the "up" side.
Oh, no word yet on arbitration.
Keep Strong,
Friday, September 2, 2011
Arrival in Salt Lake for D-PACE
Glen and I arrived at Huntsman around 10 am yesterday morning to begin D-PACE and to meet with Dr. Tricot. First, off to the infusion room to get the chemo started. Since this is administered in 24 hour dosing it needed to get started right away. Wow! The pack that was sent with the drugs is huge. Much more than needed. I have dubbed it "Glen's new buddy" Nurse Laurie is going to attempt to get him a smaller one.
Glen has not had any pain medication today. Two days of Dex down. Two to go.
One of three PA's recently got married. We learned today that she quit her position with Dr. Tricot and moved to Seattle. There was Andrea, Abby and Amanda. Andrea has departed. There is a new PA hired. I wonder if his/her name begins with and "A".
Our meeting with Dr. Tricot was encouraging. Glen has done well with his treatment. He has tolerated most of what has been given. Very few set backs. While I cannot recall the doctor's exact words he did let us know that he feels Glen will be with us for some good years yet. Much more than what either Glen or I had come to understand. A second transplant will add to that. We hope to get scheduling of the arbitration accomplished this next week and the actual arbitration while we are here in Salt Lake.
Our apartment is nice. Nice and CLEAN! We are so fortunate to have these accomodations available to us. This being our third stay away from home . . . . .I left half of what we normally bring along home this time. I work myself much harder than necessary sometimes. I am learning.
Time to rest.
Keep Strong, Vannette
Glen has not had any pain medication today. Two days of Dex down. Two to go.
One of three PA's recently got married. We learned today that she quit her position with Dr. Tricot and moved to Seattle. There was Andrea, Abby and Amanda. Andrea has departed. There is a new PA hired. I wonder if his/her name begins with and "A".
Our meeting with Dr. Tricot was encouraging. Glen has done well with his treatment. He has tolerated most of what has been given. Very few set backs. While I cannot recall the doctor's exact words he did let us know that he feels Glen will be with us for some good years yet. Much more than what either Glen or I had come to understand. A second transplant will add to that. We hope to get scheduling of the arbitration accomplished this next week and the actual arbitration while we are here in Salt Lake.
Our apartment is nice. Nice and CLEAN! We are so fortunate to have these accomodations available to us. This being our third stay away from home . . . . .I left half of what we normally bring along home this time. I work myself much harder than necessary sometimes. I am learning.
Time to rest.
Keep Strong, Vannette
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Becki Jones Stevens looses her battle with MM
Becki and I were in the same graduating class of Brighton High School 1975, Cottonwood Heights, Utah. We did not run in the same circle. I did not know her well. I don't know any of the circumstances of her battle with MM.
What I do know is that she was a wife and a mother of five and that she has gone ahead to do other works.
May Becki's family know the love of our Savior and his plan for us.
Rest peacefully,
Becki and I were in the same graduating class of Brighton High School 1975, Cottonwood Heights, Utah. We did not run in the same circle. I did not know her well. I don't know any of the circumstances of her battle with MM.
What I do know is that she was a wife and a mother of five and that she has gone ahead to do other works.
May Becki's family know the love of our Savior and his plan for us.
Rest peacefully,
Monday, August 29, 2011
A Busy Week Ahead
D-Pace was tentatively scheduled for September 06, the Tuesday after Labor Day weekend. Today we received a call moving that date up to this Thursday, September 01.
Tests at the Huntsman all day tomorrow. Home on Wednesday; get things packed to stay in Salt Lake for 1 1/2 to 2 weeks if all goes well. Back to Salt Lake either Wednesday evening or early, early Thursday morning. It is about a 3 hour drive. Hopefully not more with all of the road construction going on.
We also heard briefly from the insurance company that an arbitrator has been chosen. We did have input on that. Scheduling is still unsettled. I'm hoping that the arbitration session can take place while we are in Salt Lake.
Keep Strong,
Tests at the Huntsman all day tomorrow. Home on Wednesday; get things packed to stay in Salt Lake for 1 1/2 to 2 weeks if all goes well. Back to Salt Lake either Wednesday evening or early, early Thursday morning. It is about a 3 hour drive. Hopefully not more with all of the road construction going on.
We also heard briefly from the insurance company that an arbitrator has been chosen. We did have input on that. Scheduling is still unsettled. I'm hoping that the arbitration session can take place while we are in Salt Lake.
Keep Strong,
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Glen's insurance company is basing their decision to deny treatment based on the mSMART criteria included in the policy agreement. Above is a chart that I found online that maps out what they are specifically referring to.
In the Intermediate-Risk column Glen has the * Cytogenetic Deletion 13 or hypodiploidy, and in the High-Risk column he has the * FISH, Del 17p. This puts Glen in less that 1% of all myeloma patients. THIS, is why they are stating that he is "too high-risk" and does not qualify for the second SCT that he needs to prolong his life.
FRUSTRATING to say the least.
We submitted our request for arbitation yesterday. Hopefully that will be scheduled soon.
While life is a challenge with cancer on a daily basis, today I send prayers for all those who are being affected by Hurrican Irene. May God protect, guide and direct you during this time.
Keep Strong,
In the Intermediate-Risk column Glen has the * Cytogenetic Deletion 13 or hypodiploidy, and in the High-Risk column he has the * FISH, Del 17p. This puts Glen in less that 1% of all myeloma patients. THIS, is why they are stating that he is "too high-risk" and does not qualify for the second SCT that he needs to prolong his life.
FRUSTRATING to say the least.
We submitted our request for arbitation yesterday. Hopefully that will be scheduled soon.
While life is a challenge with cancer on a daily basis, today I send prayers for all those who are being affected by Hurrican Irene. May God protect, guide and direct you during this time.
Keep Strong,
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
D-PACE and Arbitration
August 24, 2011
Glen and I traveled yesterday out to Salt Lake City to the Huntsman Cancer Hospital where he is being treated . He was scheduled for an iron infusion and also a line study. His port has been bothering him. Everything checked out okay.
For any of you who follow Kris Kelly, we too, see the belgium doctor on floor 2, clinic b. Thanks Kris for your post yesterday. (I really do know how to spell "belgium"). You really can't get better than perfect and we are so elated for you.
For a second stem cell transplant to be effective Dr. Tricot is recommending that it take place within 6 months of the first transplant. Glen's first transplant took place in April. With the appeals process being as it has we are approaching 5 months post-transplant and time is very critical now.
Our next option for approval is through arbitration. This can be lengthy but it is our only option. We are going to move forward with that. In the mean time Dr. Tricot has scheduled Glen to begin a round of D-PACE beginninig September 6th. This is treatment that would be part of pre-transplant anyway. We will need to be away from home for at least one and a half weeks.
We have arrangements to make . . . . . :) this is me --- off and running.
Keep Strong,
Glen and I traveled yesterday out to Salt Lake City to the Huntsman Cancer Hospital where he is being treated . He was scheduled for an iron infusion and also a line study. His port has been bothering him. Everything checked out okay.
For any of you who follow Kris Kelly, we too, see the belgium doctor on floor 2, clinic b. Thanks Kris for your post yesterday. (I really do know how to spell "belgium"). You really can't get better than perfect and we are so elated for you.
For a second stem cell transplant to be effective Dr. Tricot is recommending that it take place within 6 months of the first transplant. Glen's first transplant took place in April. With the appeals process being as it has we are approaching 5 months post-transplant and time is very critical now.
Our next option for approval is through arbitration. This can be lengthy but it is our only option. We are going to move forward with that. In the mean time Dr. Tricot has scheduled Glen to begin a round of D-PACE beginninig September 6th. This is treatment that would be part of pre-transplant anyway. We will need to be away from home for at least one and a half weeks.
We have arrangements to make . . . . . :) this is me --- off and running.
Keep Strong,
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Glen received word by way of a telephone call early Friday morning the 12th that yet again his request for approval for a second ASCT was denied.
Here are portions of a signed letter that came by email at our request:
Dear Mr. Ross:
The HIPUtah 3rd Level Appeals Committee ("Committee") met on August 10, 2011 to consider your appeal in regard to the denial of benefit coverage under your HIPUtah plan for a second autologous stem cell transplant. Please know that this Committee reviewed every aspect of your appeal, deliberated on your request for some time, and took into account the emotional and physical suffering you are experiencing.
..............All prior reviews denied your requested services based on your condition not meeting specific criteria as established in SelectHealth's Bone Marrow Transplantation Policy #105, under Human Stem Cell Transplantation. This Committee feels that our administrator, SelectHealth, conducted due diligence in the review of this matter.
The Committee thoroughly reviewed studies presented in the appeal along with SelectHealth's current policy, as stated above, and other scientific documentation presented on this medical service. In addition we reviewed your request, your medical information, and the additional information provided by Dr. Tricot and yourself, relating to your appeal. Based on this information, the Committee voted to deny the appeal based on you not being a candidate for a second transplant based on the mSMART criteria as you are considered a high risk individual with a deletion of 17p13. This Committee feels that SelectHealth has a solid policy on this issue which was derived on evidence-based medicine. In addition, outside entities have reviewed the appeal and presented a determination with the same conclusion. It was determined that no new significant data or information was presented that would support us covering of the second transplant at this time.
If you have further . . . . . . . .
If you wish to continue your appeal of the denial of coverage, a voluntary review through arbitration is available to you under your contract. Arbitration in the final level of appeal through which a dispute may be settled. . . . . . . .
mSMART: Mayo Stratification for Myeloma And Risk-adapted Therapy
One SCT is known as the "Mayo" method while a double or tandem SCT is known as the "Arkansas" method. This Committee looked at the Mayo data and said no new "significant" data was presented. I beg to differ. Dr. Tricot has patients that are still living 10 years post-transplant. Glen was placed in a study so that "data" will be available. His "data" cannot continue if treatment is denied. He will be removed from the study.
I am too upset to continue on with this. It is 12:35am. Obviously I am not asleep. I feel like the woman in the commercial that calls in and gets "PEGGY", asks for a supervisor, gets transferred a number of times until she gets "PEGGY" (Peggy with a beard, Peggy), then stomps her foot while screaming
Here are portions of a signed letter that came by email at our request:
Dear Mr. Ross:
The HIPUtah 3rd Level Appeals Committee ("Committee") met on August 10, 2011 to consider your appeal in regard to the denial of benefit coverage under your HIPUtah plan for a second autologous stem cell transplant. Please know that this Committee reviewed every aspect of your appeal, deliberated on your request for some time, and took into account the emotional and physical suffering you are experiencing.
..............All prior reviews denied your requested services based on your condition not meeting specific criteria as established in SelectHealth's Bone Marrow Transplantation Policy #105, under Human Stem Cell Transplantation. This Committee feels that our administrator, SelectHealth, conducted due diligence in the review of this matter.
The Committee thoroughly reviewed studies presented in the appeal along with SelectHealth's current policy, as stated above, and other scientific documentation presented on this medical service. In addition we reviewed your request, your medical information, and the additional information provided by Dr. Tricot and yourself, relating to your appeal. Based on this information, the Committee voted to deny the appeal based on you not being a candidate for a second transplant based on the mSMART criteria as you are considered a high risk individual with a deletion of 17p13. This Committee feels that SelectHealth has a solid policy on this issue which was derived on evidence-based medicine. In addition, outside entities have reviewed the appeal and presented a determination with the same conclusion. It was determined that no new significant data or information was presented that would support us covering of the second transplant at this time.
If you have further . . . . . . . .
If you wish to continue your appeal of the denial of coverage, a voluntary review through arbitration is available to you under your contract. Arbitration in the final level of appeal through which a dispute may be settled. . . . . . . .
mSMART: Mayo Stratification for Myeloma And Risk-adapted Therapy
One SCT is known as the "Mayo" method while a double or tandem SCT is known as the "Arkansas" method. This Committee looked at the Mayo data and said no new "significant" data was presented. I beg to differ. Dr. Tricot has patients that are still living 10 years post-transplant. Glen was placed in a study so that "data" will be available. His "data" cannot continue if treatment is denied. He will be removed from the study.
I am too upset to continue on with this. It is 12:35am. Obviously I am not asleep. I feel like the woman in the commercial that calls in and gets "PEGGY", asks for a supervisor, gets transferred a number of times until she gets "PEGGY" (Peggy with a beard, Peggy), then stomps her foot while screaming
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Juggling Act
I love watching jugglers. I however, have never been coordinated enough to master this talent. Tonight I am alone for a short while. I'm feeling a bit melancholy for I have been working hard at my own juggling act for just over one year now.
I can't pretend to know how anyone feels to have a devastating disease. I do struggle with depression and have for years. My role as caregiver has been a wake up call for me. I know that I am capable of doing more than I do. Its not always easy and I have no more choice at this role than my husband does bearing the role of a cancer patient / survivor.
At the time of Glen's diagnosis in July 2010 my mother had been ill for a good year before that. My sister and I were already quite familiar with what it meant to hold down a chair in a doctor's office or hospital room. Then came the time when both my mother and my husband were each ill and undergoing different treatment options. I truly am grateful to my Heavenly Father for allowing Glen to withstand his treatments as well as he did. At times I would leave his side to be with my mother.
My mother passed away on April 05, this year; in the middle of Glen's stem cell transplant. Life events such as death cannot be coordinated with any other event in one's life. It happens. As a family we were able to make arrangements for a funeral without interferring with the remainder of Glen's treatment. I personally missed being with Glen when he had the second dose of Melphalan but surprised him the following morning to be there with him when he received his stem cells. Priceless.
That one day of treatment is the only day that I have not been right next to my husband. Words aren't enough. Glen's income stopped with his diagnosis, I did not work outside our home, we managed six months of treatment with no insurance. Our church leader, Bishop Peck, told us we would be okay. A year ago he told us that. And we are.
I love my husband dearly. We have the support of our five children, our families, our church family and our community. In that I would say "life is good" as we continue on our journey and sometimes our juggling act to whatever we may meet just around the corner.
Keep Strong, Vannette
I can't pretend to know how anyone feels to have a devastating disease. I do struggle with depression and have for years. My role as caregiver has been a wake up call for me. I know that I am capable of doing more than I do. Its not always easy and I have no more choice at this role than my husband does bearing the role of a cancer patient / survivor.
At the time of Glen's diagnosis in July 2010 my mother had been ill for a good year before that. My sister and I were already quite familiar with what it meant to hold down a chair in a doctor's office or hospital room. Then came the time when both my mother and my husband were each ill and undergoing different treatment options. I truly am grateful to my Heavenly Father for allowing Glen to withstand his treatments as well as he did. At times I would leave his side to be with my mother.
My mother passed away on April 05, this year; in the middle of Glen's stem cell transplant. Life events such as death cannot be coordinated with any other event in one's life. It happens. As a family we were able to make arrangements for a funeral without interferring with the remainder of Glen's treatment. I personally missed being with Glen when he had the second dose of Melphalan but surprised him the following morning to be there with him when he received his stem cells. Priceless.
That one day of treatment is the only day that I have not been right next to my husband. Words aren't enough. Glen's income stopped with his diagnosis, I did not work outside our home, we managed six months of treatment with no insurance. Our church leader, Bishop Peck, told us we would be okay. A year ago he told us that. And we are.
I love my husband dearly. We have the support of our five children, our families, our church family and our community. In that I would say "life is good" as we continue on our journey and sometimes our juggling act to whatever we may meet just around the corner.
Keep Strong, Vannette
Progress being made
I submitted a request for a review on a state level for the approval we are seeking for a second stem cell transplant for Glen. I do know that the request was received because I called the insurance office yesterday to confirm such. In that I was told that someone would be contacting us to schedule the review.
Today, mid-day we have not heard from anyone. I started making my own calls. I am learning as I go. My first thought was to talk to a state senator. Through that I was referred to the governor's office; more of a state level, not federal. Through that I was referred to the State Insurance Department. I spoke with a woman who made me feel that she was genuine in her concern over this issue. With a simple phone call from her to the insurance company she was informed of this information:
The person whom I was waiting for to call me was in transit, actually in her car, hand delivering all of the pertinent information to a member of the board for the HIP Pool for the State of Utah. All of this will be reviewed tomorrow and we were told that we will also be notified of their decision -- tomorrow -- !!
So . . . progress is being made even though we were not aware of it. This is good. This is a very good thing. I pray for a positive outcome to this. Three denials have been hard to swallow. Until tomorrow . . .
Keep Strong, Vannette
Today, mid-day we have not heard from anyone. I started making my own calls. I am learning as I go. My first thought was to talk to a state senator. Through that I was referred to the governor's office; more of a state level, not federal. Through that I was referred to the State Insurance Department. I spoke with a woman who made me feel that she was genuine in her concern over this issue. With a simple phone call from her to the insurance company she was informed of this information:
The person whom I was waiting for to call me was in transit, actually in her car, hand delivering all of the pertinent information to a member of the board for the HIP Pool for the State of Utah. All of this will be reviewed tomorrow and we were told that we will also be notified of their decision -- tomorrow -- !!
So . . . progress is being made even though we were not aware of it. This is good. This is a very good thing. I pray for a positive outcome to this. Three denials have been hard to swallow. Until tomorrow . . .
Keep Strong, Vannette
Friday, August 5, 2011
Appeal Denied . . . again!
Once again Glen's insurance company has denied second level appeal for a second stem cell transplant that his doctor considers critical. We simply do not understand.
Glen is covered through a policy made available through the State of Utah. The insurance company manages the account but the funds come from the state. We do have one more appeal left and that will be to the state. It has already been submitted.
Time is so critical now. If this second transplant is going to happen it needs to be now.
Trying to Keep Stong,
Glen is covered through a policy made available through the State of Utah. The insurance company manages the account but the funds come from the state. We do have one more appeal left and that will be to the state. It has already been submitted.
Time is so critical now. If this second transplant is going to happen it needs to be now.
Trying to Keep Stong,
Friday, July 29, 2011
How I chose the name for this blog
Before I go any further with my posts I want to share with you how I came to chose the name for our blog.
Dr. Myron Wentz is founder of Usana Health Sciences whose global headquarters are located in Salt Lake City, Utah; a leading manufacturer of nutritional and health products. He also is founder of Sanoviv Medical Institute, a state-of-the-art treatment and research facility in Baja California, near San Diego.
As I continue on with introducing Dr. Wentz to each of you I pray that my words will do justice to a remarkable individual.
In 2002 Dr. Wentz authored a book titled Invisible Miracles. After reading this for myself I had a totaly different perspective on just how intricate the human cell is. Dr. Wentz gives this description:
"The cell -- elegant, resourceful, marvelously intricate. The fundmental unit of life.
Poison it, injure it, or starve it, and the resulting damage causes degeneration and disease. Nurture it, protect it, and feed it with the nutrients it needs, and it repairs itself, providing health and longevity.
All of us begin as a single cell. That one cell divides into two, two into four, and so on, with the newly generated cells programmed to perform specific missions throughout our lives. The trillions of cells work in synergy within the universe we call our body."
Dr. Wentz goes on to say:
"The title of this book has a double meaning. While I see human cells as "invisible miracles" in their incredible ability to replicate and heal themselves, I see something much more profound and mysterious at work. Each cell has a distinct function, and yet, within every cell is all the information necessary to produce the unique person you see in the mirror every day. This is indeed miraculous; however, the real miracle is that the cells' activities are too complex to be explained -- and they could not have come about by accident or chance assembly.
The definition of miracle is an event that appears inexplicable by the laws of nature and so is held to be supernatural in origin, or an act of God. A fitting synonym of miracle is wonder . . . . ."
So . . .my first choice in the name for this blog was "Invisible Miracles" however, that title was already in use so I chose "His Invisible Miracles" giving credit to our Creator. The photo that you see with the early morning sunrise captured an invisible miracle in itself. While snapping the photo I did not see what appears so vividly before our eyes. The photo title says it all: "The Wonder of His Invisible Miracles".
I do recommend reading Invisible Miracles for yourself. Its a short read (130) pages with a powerful message.
As we well know, sometimes things go wrong. I thank my Heavenly Father for individuals such as Dr. Wentz for their dedication to the field of science and pray that through their efforts cures can be discovered for the many diseases that plague the human body.
Keep strong,
Dr. Myron Wentz is founder of Usana Health Sciences whose global headquarters are located in Salt Lake City, Utah; a leading manufacturer of nutritional and health products. He also is founder of Sanoviv Medical Institute, a state-of-the-art treatment and research facility in Baja California, near San Diego.
As I continue on with introducing Dr. Wentz to each of you I pray that my words will do justice to a remarkable individual.
In 2002 Dr. Wentz authored a book titled Invisible Miracles. After reading this for myself I had a totaly different perspective on just how intricate the human cell is. Dr. Wentz gives this description:
"The cell -- elegant, resourceful, marvelously intricate. The fundmental unit of life.
Poison it, injure it, or starve it, and the resulting damage causes degeneration and disease. Nurture it, protect it, and feed it with the nutrients it needs, and it repairs itself, providing health and longevity.
All of us begin as a single cell. That one cell divides into two, two into four, and so on, with the newly generated cells programmed to perform specific missions throughout our lives. The trillions of cells work in synergy within the universe we call our body."
Dr. Wentz goes on to say:
"The title of this book has a double meaning. While I see human cells as "invisible miracles" in their incredible ability to replicate and heal themselves, I see something much more profound and mysterious at work. Each cell has a distinct function, and yet, within every cell is all the information necessary to produce the unique person you see in the mirror every day. This is indeed miraculous; however, the real miracle is that the cells' activities are too complex to be explained -- and they could not have come about by accident or chance assembly.
The definition of miracle is an event that appears inexplicable by the laws of nature and so is held to be supernatural in origin, or an act of God. A fitting synonym of miracle is wonder . . . . ."
So . . .my first choice in the name for this blog was "Invisible Miracles" however, that title was already in use so I chose "His Invisible Miracles" giving credit to our Creator. The photo that you see with the early morning sunrise captured an invisible miracle in itself. While snapping the photo I did not see what appears so vividly before our eyes. The photo title says it all: "The Wonder of His Invisible Miracles".
I do recommend reading Invisible Miracles for yourself. Its a short read (130) pages with a powerful message.
As we well know, sometimes things go wrong. I thank my Heavenly Father for individuals such as Dr. Wentz for their dedication to the field of science and pray that through their efforts cures can be discovered for the many diseases that plague the human body.
Keep strong,
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Waiting for decision
Today a quite brief teleconference took place with the grievance committe from Glen's insurance company, Glen, myself and Dr. Tricot. We are now waiting the decision as to whether or not an approval will be given for a second stem cell transplant for Glen.
Glen has no monoclonal protien , the 17p13 deletion. This puts him in a high risk catagory as to the effectiveness of treatment. A second SCT known as the Arkansas method is believed to give a longer life expectency. One has to believe.
And so we wait, we pray, and we pray some more. We should know the decision by next Thursday, August 4th.
Keep strong,
Glen has no monoclonal protien , the 17p13 deletion. This puts him in a high risk catagory as to the effectiveness of treatment. A second SCT known as the Arkansas method is believed to give a longer life expectency. One has to believe.
And so we wait, we pray, and we pray some more. We should know the decision by next Thursday, August 4th.
Keep strong,
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Review Scheduled
Wow! Glen had an appointment with Dr. Tricot yesterday. The Financial Patient Advocate was asked to make contact with the appeals department with a message of urgency for a review with the grievance committe. The reply was that it could take as many as 30 days and then a decision within about 10 days of the review.
When Glen and I returned home we had a message from the appeals department asking us to return the call. It was after hours. First thing this morning I did return the call.
A telephone coference is scheduled for July 28 with Glen, Dr. Tricot and the grievance committee. Wow! That was fast. This is fantastic. Pray, pray, pray for a positive outcome.
Keep Strong,
When Glen and I returned home we had a message from the appeals department asking us to return the call. It was after hours. First thing this morning I did return the call.
A telephone coference is scheduled for July 28 with Glen, Dr. Tricot and the grievance committee. Wow! That was fast. This is fantastic. Pray, pray, pray for a positive outcome.
Keep Strong,
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
The Fight is on
After receiving the news that the appeal for Glen's second SCT was denied we were crushed to say the least. We learned, though, that we could request a review by the Grievance Committee. The appeal was filed by the financial patient advocate for the clinic were Glen is receiving treatment. The request for the review has to come from Glen.
I've got my boxing gloves on and I'm ready to fight. We have 60 days to submit a request for a review. It's typed, signed and ready to go in the mail. This step can take a couple of months or so. We have had two people come forward with similar situations offering their advice. They both won. This means hope for Glen. We are encouraged much more tonight than we were one week ago.
Keep Strong,
I've got my boxing gloves on and I'm ready to fight. We have 60 days to submit a request for a review. It's typed, signed and ready to go in the mail. This step can take a couple of months or so. We have had two people come forward with similar situations offering their advice. They both won. This means hope for Glen. We are encouraged much more tonight than we were one week ago.
Keep Strong,
Thursday, July 7, 2011
My heart and my mind are so full. July 01, 2011 marked the one year anniversary of Glen's diagnosis. We have been down many valleys and up just as many hills in our journey looking for, applying for, fighting for treatment for Glen. One day I will be able to write about all of that but for now I just need to vent my frustration.
Glen began treatment in September 2010. At that time we had no insurance. After paying premiums for four years, to find out your policy doesn't offer the coverage you need is not a good thing. Glen did apply for and was approved for the high risk insurance pool through the state of Utah. There was a six month pre-existing waiting period. During this time he received treatment paid for through financial and drug assistance programs as we also lost our income with Glen's diagnosis. The treatment proved to be effective. By the time the insurance did kick in in February of this year Glen was ready for a Stem Cell Transplant (SCT) so we made the decision to have this treatment at the Huntsman Cancer Hospital in Salt Lake City, Utah. Another decision was made to place Glen in a study due to the fact that he has a protein deletion and his doctor recommended trandom SCT.
And so it all began. First, by getting the transplant approved for by the insurance company. It was explained to us that even though the doctor is wanting two transplants to happen, they have to be approved one at a time. Get the first one done, take a look at the results, then submit a request for approval for the second transplant.
DENIED! We received a letter, a full page long, basically stating: "because of the protein deletion you are considered too high risk" (not the exact words). So an appeal was immediatly submitted. Today, after about a six week wait. the news came once again. DENIED! HOW CAN THEY HAVE THE POWER TO MAKE SUCH A DECISION WHEN IT COMES TO SOMESONE'S LIFE?
Part of the explanation for denial was that there is no data available that proves a trandom transplant to be any more effective than one. My answer simply: there isn't going to be any data if the procedure doesn't happen and no documentation is made.
I am grateful that Glen has the insurance coverage that he has. Without it he would not have gotten to have a transplant at all. Please Heavenly Father, help us to be strong. Help up us come to some understanding as to why this decision has been made. Help us to move forward in a positive manner. We thank Thee for each and every day.
Glen began treatment in September 2010. At that time we had no insurance. After paying premiums for four years, to find out your policy doesn't offer the coverage you need is not a good thing. Glen did apply for and was approved for the high risk insurance pool through the state of Utah. There was a six month pre-existing waiting period. During this time he received treatment paid for through financial and drug assistance programs as we also lost our income with Glen's diagnosis. The treatment proved to be effective. By the time the insurance did kick in in February of this year Glen was ready for a Stem Cell Transplant (SCT) so we made the decision to have this treatment at the Huntsman Cancer Hospital in Salt Lake City, Utah. Another decision was made to place Glen in a study due to the fact that he has a protein deletion and his doctor recommended trandom SCT.
And so it all began. First, by getting the transplant approved for by the insurance company. It was explained to us that even though the doctor is wanting two transplants to happen, they have to be approved one at a time. Get the first one done, take a look at the results, then submit a request for approval for the second transplant.
DENIED! We received a letter, a full page long, basically stating: "because of the protein deletion you are considered too high risk" (not the exact words). So an appeal was immediatly submitted. Today, after about a six week wait. the news came once again. DENIED! HOW CAN THEY HAVE THE POWER TO MAKE SUCH A DECISION WHEN IT COMES TO SOMESONE'S LIFE?
Part of the explanation for denial was that there is no data available that proves a trandom transplant to be any more effective than one. My answer simply: there isn't going to be any data if the procedure doesn't happen and no documentation is made.
I am grateful that Glen has the insurance coverage that he has. Without it he would not have gotten to have a transplant at all. Please Heavenly Father, help us to be strong. Help up us come to some understanding as to why this decision has been made. Help us to move forward in a positive manner. We thank Thee for each and every day.
Friday, March 25, 2011
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Where to begin . . .
So, obviously I am new at this. New at learning how to blog, new at having a husband with cancer, new at being a caregiver. Hmm.
Challenges. That's the word that comes to my mind right now. How does one handle the challenge of cancer? My first thought on that would be to run. Run as fast and hard in the opposite direction as I can. Then this voice inside reminds me that I am not the person who has had this thing called Multiple Myeloma raise its ugly head inside my body. In that respect I can only imagine. As I have been placed in the new role of caregiver my husband tells me that I have the hardest part. I DON'T THINK SO.
My husband:
Glen Ross, age 55
Diagnosed July 01, 2010, Multiple Myeloma, non-secretory, 17p13 deletion, stage II
Eight and a half months have pasted since our lives, Glen's and mine, took an unexpected detour. Our long term goals have not changed. How we get there has. That doesn't mean that we won't make it. Even though we did not choose this particular journey we are on there have been some amazing opportunities that everyone should have the chance to experience at some point in their lives. The type of experiences per say that brings a person to their knees in utter humility. Experiences that gives one the opportunity of recognizing the Lord's hand in all things and the blessings that come from adversity. Blessings come in many forms; not all are recognized and thanks are not always given.
Its time to end for now. I have too many thoughts, too many things I want to write but I must take a breath, take a step back and allow my brain to be able to organize just what it is I want to say. I can say this; I am so very grateful for the many thousands of individuals who chose to work in the science and medical field. Glen and I have met some amazing individuals. We thank our Heavenly Father daily for family and friends, even strangers who bless our lives. Sweet dreams, Vannette
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