Before I go any further with my posts I want to share with you how I came to chose the name for our blog.
Dr. Myron Wentz is founder of Usana Health Sciences whose global headquarters are located in Salt Lake City, Utah; a leading manufacturer of nutritional and health products. He also is founder of Sanoviv Medical Institute, a state-of-the-art treatment and research facility in Baja California, near San Diego.
As I continue on with introducing Dr. Wentz to each of you I pray that my words will do justice to a remarkable individual.
In 2002 Dr. Wentz authored a book titled Invisible Miracles. After reading this for myself I had a totaly different perspective on just how intricate the human cell is. Dr. Wentz gives this description:
"The cell -- elegant, resourceful, marvelously intricate. The fundmental unit of life.
Poison it, injure it, or starve it, and the resulting damage causes degeneration and disease. Nurture it, protect it, and feed it with the nutrients it needs, and it repairs itself, providing health and longevity.
All of us begin as a single cell. That one cell divides into two, two into four, and so on, with the newly generated cells programmed to perform specific missions throughout our lives. The trillions of cells work in synergy within the universe we call our body."
Dr. Wentz goes on to say:
"The title of this book has a double meaning. While I see human cells as "invisible miracles" in their incredible ability to replicate and heal themselves, I see something much more profound and mysterious at work. Each cell has a distinct function, and yet, within every cell is all the information necessary to produce the unique person you see in the mirror every day. This is indeed miraculous; however, the real miracle is that the cells' activities are too complex to be explained -- and they could not have come about by accident or chance assembly.
The definition of miracle is an event that appears inexplicable by the laws of nature and so is held to be supernatural in origin, or an act of God. A fitting synonym of miracle is wonder . . . . ."
So . . .my first choice in the name for this blog was "Invisible Miracles" however, that title was already in use so I chose "His Invisible Miracles" giving credit to our Creator. The photo that you see with the early morning sunrise captured an invisible miracle in itself. While snapping the photo I did not see what appears so vividly before our eyes. The photo title says it all: "The Wonder of His Invisible Miracles".
I do recommend reading Invisible Miracles for yourself. Its a short read (130) pages with a powerful message.
As we well know, sometimes things go wrong. I thank my Heavenly Father for individuals such as Dr. Wentz for their dedication to the field of science and pray that through their efforts cures can be discovered for the many diseases that plague the human body.
Keep strong,
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